
All content regardless of its nature, be it textual or graphic displayed on the Site, as well as the domain name, belongs to Sylprotec Inc., therefore are protected by copyright laws and those laws associated with intellectual ownership and so, worldwide. Nothing from Sylprotec Inc. can be reproduced, copied, distributed, translated, downloaded, displayed or transmitted by any means with prior written consent from Sylprotec Inc., the store involved, or the owner of the copyright, unless for non-commercial and legitimate purposes. The republishing or the use of any documents from the Site on any other website without our prior written consent is forbidden and all our rights are reserved. The trademarks, logos, and service marks displayed on this website are registered to Sylprotec Inc. and it is by law forbidden to use them for any other means. Images of people displayed on the website are either the property of, or used with permission by Sylprotec Inc. or in accordance with applicable laws. Any further use of these people’s photos may override the terms of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.

Concept and production:

This website has been produced with the assistance of PrestaShop™ Open Source’s software.